Sorry for crazy hair friends! It's been one of those real days!
Monday, June 19, 2017
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Keep It Shut Chapter 10: Something To Talk About
I have to tell you that I am very emotional about this chapter. I've really struggled since starting this book. I've always had a hard time controlling the words that come out of my mouth. I'm one of those emotional types. I can hold in what I say for the most part, but if you turn the fire up under the pot and I can get myself in to a lot of trouble.
The past few months I have been very angry. I've been praying recently that God would reveal to me the source of this anger so that I could sort it out and move on in my life. I can't pinpoint when it started, but I can pinpoint when I noticed it. I noticed it in March. I nearly drove a man down in his vehicle because he cut me off when getting on to the interstate. Up until recently I still had a picture of his license plates in my phone. I was going to stalk this man. I have no idea what I was going to do once I was face to face with him, but let me tell you that day I knew I was going to do something.
This anger has also led me to say a lot of things, that even if they were true, were not kind. We have recently made a lot of changes to the Children's Ministry in my church. I am the director. I had a great conversation with my Pastor and the Assistant Pastor about these changes. We knew we would receive backlash, but man I couldn't believe the type of backlash we received. Someone that rarely ever shows me any type of attitude or anger jumped on me about these changes. I knew that the source of some of that anger came from the person that delivered the news to this person.
In order to cope, I have started pointing that finger while blaming and speaking hate. I've been yelling about people not keeping their mouths shut, speaking out of turn and pretty much have had the attitude of "like it or get out". I'm not saying my anger in this situation isn't justified, but I will tell you that I think my anger is causing a ripple that was started to grow. I read an analogy that I want to share with you straight from the words of the author.
I sat reading this chapter while I rocked my son to sleep. I had to lay my book aside as I sobbed in repentance. The changes to the Children's Ministry have been frustrating for everyone involved. I have the option to make the changes seem seamless and positive or I can bring more negativity and death to this ministry.
I will choose life. I will seek out forgiveness. I will choose better words. I will listen before I respond. I will be careful with my nonverbal ques. I will be fair to everyone involved and not rehash history. Everyone deserves the same fresh start I do everyday. I will change someone's history. I will believe the best of every situation.
I never want to stand before God as He shows me the destruction I was responsible for. I can do this... or keep my mouth shut.
The past few months I have been very angry. I've been praying recently that God would reveal to me the source of this anger so that I could sort it out and move on in my life. I can't pinpoint when it started, but I can pinpoint when I noticed it. I noticed it in March. I nearly drove a man down in his vehicle because he cut me off when getting on to the interstate. Up until recently I still had a picture of his license plates in my phone. I was going to stalk this man. I have no idea what I was going to do once I was face to face with him, but let me tell you that day I knew I was going to do something.
This anger has also led me to say a lot of things, that even if they were true, were not kind. We have recently made a lot of changes to the Children's Ministry in my church. I am the director. I had a great conversation with my Pastor and the Assistant Pastor about these changes. We knew we would receive backlash, but man I couldn't believe the type of backlash we received. Someone that rarely ever shows me any type of attitude or anger jumped on me about these changes. I knew that the source of some of that anger came from the person that delivered the news to this person.
In order to cope, I have started pointing that finger while blaming and speaking hate. I've been yelling about people not keeping their mouths shut, speaking out of turn and pretty much have had the attitude of "like it or get out". I'm not saying my anger in this situation isn't justified, but I will tell you that I think my anger is causing a ripple that was started to grow. I read an analogy that I want to share with you straight from the words of the author.
"I tried water-skiing once - and only once. It was the summer of 1976 and I was in the seventh grade. I had traveled with my mother and grandfather to upper Wisconsin for a week of vacation. My cousins were very skilled at all things aquatic. They were good swimmers. They loved to fish. And they could water-ski like no one's business. So they go the bright idea of teaching their land-loving cousin how to water-ski too.
Things started off well enough. I placed the skis on my feet and bobbed up and down in my bright-orange life jacket in the deep part of the lake, clutching the line attached to the boat my uncle Lee was about to drive. I had listened to all the instructions about how to get up on the skies and then how, once I was finally standing, to ski in a way that I would not fall.
My uncle revved up the engine and took off. I did everything I thought I was supposed to, and pretty soon I was standing up and skiing. However, I encountered a slight problem. My skis started to drift off course and into the wake, a V-shaped formation of rushing water generated behind a boat. While it is pretty, it is also powerful. And when a novice twelve-year-old water-skier accidentally gets her left ski caught in the wake, she soon gets the scare of her life.
I flipped. And flopped. I took in gallons of water in both my mouth and nose. And I continued to be dragged behind the boat in the wake of my uncle's joyride. Now, had I only been smart enough to let go of the line, this whole incident would not have been so traumatic. But I was in shock and wasn't thinking straight and somehow surmised that holding on for dear life was the right thing to do. As I said, it was the first and last time I ever went waterskiing.
Wakes are powerful. So are our words. And our word choices often leave behind a wake that can cause a ripple effect - for good or for ill - on all those around us. What is in your wake?" ~ Excerpt taken from Keep It Shut by Karen EhmanHow many times in the past couple of months have my words left a wake of destruction? Will my words lead to the destruction of someone's walk with God? I can honestly say I'm scared to know the answer to those.
I sat reading this chapter while I rocked my son to sleep. I had to lay my book aside as I sobbed in repentance. The changes to the Children's Ministry have been frustrating for everyone involved. I have the option to make the changes seem seamless and positive or I can bring more negativity and death to this ministry.
I will choose life. I will seek out forgiveness. I will choose better words. I will listen before I respond. I will be careful with my nonverbal ques. I will be fair to everyone involved and not rehash history. Everyone deserves the same fresh start I do everyday. I will change someone's history. I will believe the best of every situation.
I never want to stand before God as He shows me the destruction I was responsible for. I can do this... or keep my mouth shut.
keep it shut,
It's For Your Own Good
A little over a month after I was fired from my job in 2014, this cat showed up in my life. He was THE sweetest thing ever. I was at an all time emotional low. My self-confidence was crushed. God knew I needed someone or something to love ME unconditionally.
It was a tough sell. Both my husband and I love animals, but our house was already full with three dogs and two cats. Each of these animals would (and still do) give me love, until my husband came home. Then I was just the chopped liver that someone tried to eat, but vomited back up on the floor. Honestly, we did not need another animal. However, you couldn't deny how much love this little guy had to give and he was so social.
We tried to do the responsible thing. With my husband being the only one working, another pet was not what we needed financially. My husband left with him in the car, but returned with him a little later. The humane society near us said they do not do intake from the public and we would have to take the cat to the county humane society. My husband told them he wasn't comfortable with this since it was a kill shelter. Their reply was "yes, but it's only a low kill shelter". So the cat came home.
My husband wanted to call him Whiskey since he had taken up residence in the whiskey barrel planter we had on our deck. Dan, however, lacks imagination when it comes to naming animals. His right to naming was revoked after he named our calico cat Callie. I had a couple of regal names that I threw out there that were nixed, but we finally agreed upon Dexter. Dan felt it was appropriate since he had taken up residence on our deck and I was also happy because one of my all time favorite shows (I admit this with minimal shame) was Dexter. Why would you not want to name your cat after a character that is a serial killer that kills serial killers?
Dexter was my one and only love in the house. When I came home he would be sitting on the very edge of the kitchen island, as close to the edge as he could get to put him closer to me. It didn't matter where I went, downstairs, upstairs, bathroom, kitchen, living room, Dexter was always there right beside me. Even to this day, I know that this cat loves me unconditionally and I love him the same. The dynamic of the house has changed a little in the past year with the baby, so he doesn't follow me around quite as much, but every night when I crawl in to bed, up hops my favorite animal in the house to cuddle with me for a few minutes before he goes down by my feet to sleep.
The one thing that Dexter does is beg to go outside. In the past, we have had trouble with him sneaking out when we opened the door to let the dogs out. We would have to act fast to catch him and bring him back. When we go outdoors, Dexter will sit next to the nearest window or door to you so that he can peer out at you. He will alternate between staring hard at you and meowing really loud as if death could be at his door.
Dexter doesn't understand that I keep him inside for his own good. You see, we have coyotes that frequent our yard and neighborhood. We occasionally have owls that like to search out small prey. Of course, there are hawks as well. This doesn't include the foxes, stray cats, opossum and other little animals that may look cute, but could in fact mean danger to my beloved cat.
I sometimes wonder if Dexter looks out at the dogs and thinks "it isn't fair". His eyes tell me he thinks it. I know I would think it. Sitting there in the window watching those dogs run around free, chasing the birds and squirrels. I know it probably doesn't seem fair.
Dexter really wants to go outside. He wants to explore and chase things. He wants to roll in the grass and be free. He doesn't see the dangers that I do because they are not visible to his eye. He hasn't had a reminder of the dangers lurking out there for him. The safety of the house has given him a false sense of security.
Isn't that the same way with God? Doesn't He love us so much that He puts up roadblocks to steer us from danger. Maybe He closes the proverbial screen door to keep us in safety. Sometimes, He dodges after us and grabs us by the scruff of the neck (sometimes the tail if that's the only thing He can grab) before we disappear in to the world of danger.
It doesn't always feel good and sometimes we are left with a whole lot of questions swimming around in our head. Why didn't I get that job? Why isn't that friend in my life anymore? Why wasn't it easier to have a baby? Maybe you've used the "it isn't fair" line. Maybe you've wanted to just linger a little bit in your old life. God sees the dangers, whether big or small, and understands what they can mean to our lives. He isn't trying to deprive us of what we see others enjoying, but He is trying to protect us until we are ready to walk through that door or handle circumstances that we might not have been able to handle in the past. Maybe we need time to grow. Maybe we may never step outside that particular door again.
I'm thankful that I serve a God that loves me so much that He will protect me even if I question Him. Even if I doubt Him. Even if I stare longingly at what others have and I think I want. He loves me. I'm thankful He doesn't send me off to another shelter with the thought of "well it's only a low kill shelter over there... hopefully she does well there". He has my best interest at heart and does everything for my own good.
It was a tough sell. Both my husband and I love animals, but our house was already full with three dogs and two cats. Each of these animals would (and still do) give me love, until my husband came home. Then I was just the chopped liver that someone tried to eat, but vomited back up on the floor. Honestly, we did not need another animal. However, you couldn't deny how much love this little guy had to give and he was so social.
We tried to do the responsible thing. With my husband being the only one working, another pet was not what we needed financially. My husband left with him in the car, but returned with him a little later. The humane society near us said they do not do intake from the public and we would have to take the cat to the county humane society. My husband told them he wasn't comfortable with this since it was a kill shelter. Their reply was "yes, but it's only a low kill shelter". So the cat came home.
My husband wanted to call him Whiskey since he had taken up residence in the whiskey barrel planter we had on our deck. Dan, however, lacks imagination when it comes to naming animals. His right to naming was revoked after he named our calico cat Callie. I had a couple of regal names that I threw out there that were nixed, but we finally agreed upon Dexter. Dan felt it was appropriate since he had taken up residence on our deck and I was also happy because one of my all time favorite shows (I admit this with minimal shame) was Dexter. Why would you not want to name your cat after a character that is a serial killer that kills serial killers?
Dexter was my one and only love in the house. When I came home he would be sitting on the very edge of the kitchen island, as close to the edge as he could get to put him closer to me. It didn't matter where I went, downstairs, upstairs, bathroom, kitchen, living room, Dexter was always there right beside me. Even to this day, I know that this cat loves me unconditionally and I love him the same. The dynamic of the house has changed a little in the past year with the baby, so he doesn't follow me around quite as much, but every night when I crawl in to bed, up hops my favorite animal in the house to cuddle with me for a few minutes before he goes down by my feet to sleep.
The one thing that Dexter does is beg to go outside. In the past, we have had trouble with him sneaking out when we opened the door to let the dogs out. We would have to act fast to catch him and bring him back. When we go outdoors, Dexter will sit next to the nearest window or door to you so that he can peer out at you. He will alternate between staring hard at you and meowing really loud as if death could be at his door.
Dexter doesn't understand that I keep him inside for his own good. You see, we have coyotes that frequent our yard and neighborhood. We occasionally have owls that like to search out small prey. Of course, there are hawks as well. This doesn't include the foxes, stray cats, opossum and other little animals that may look cute, but could in fact mean danger to my beloved cat.
I sometimes wonder if Dexter looks out at the dogs and thinks "it isn't fair". His eyes tell me he thinks it. I know I would think it. Sitting there in the window watching those dogs run around free, chasing the birds and squirrels. I know it probably doesn't seem fair.
Dexter really wants to go outside. He wants to explore and chase things. He wants to roll in the grass and be free. He doesn't see the dangers that I do because they are not visible to his eye. He hasn't had a reminder of the dangers lurking out there for him. The safety of the house has given him a false sense of security.
Isn't that the same way with God? Doesn't He love us so much that He puts up roadblocks to steer us from danger. Maybe He closes the proverbial screen door to keep us in safety. Sometimes, He dodges after us and grabs us by the scruff of the neck (sometimes the tail if that's the only thing He can grab) before we disappear in to the world of danger.
It doesn't always feel good and sometimes we are left with a whole lot of questions swimming around in our head. Why didn't I get that job? Why isn't that friend in my life anymore? Why wasn't it easier to have a baby? Maybe you've used the "it isn't fair" line. Maybe you've wanted to just linger a little bit in your old life. God sees the dangers, whether big or small, and understands what they can mean to our lives. He isn't trying to deprive us of what we see others enjoying, but He is trying to protect us until we are ready to walk through that door or handle circumstances that we might not have been able to handle in the past. Maybe we need time to grow. Maybe we may never step outside that particular door again.
I'm thankful that I serve a God that loves me so much that He will protect me even if I question Him. Even if I doubt Him. Even if I stare longingly at what others have and I think I want. He loves me. I'm thankful He doesn't send me off to another shelter with the thought of "well it's only a low kill shelter over there... hopefully she does well there". He has my best interest at heart and does everything for my own good.
it's for your own good,
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Photographs Of You
Every time I blink my eyes I take a mental photo of you. You are my heart little man. Every smile, frown, laugh, giggle and cry is recorded in my mind. I can't get enough of you. I sit and stare at you and think of how blessed I am and how full my heart is. Sometimes I catch you looking at me. When I catch you, you smile. Only one other man has made my heart swell like that when he smiles at me. I'm thankful with every breath I breathe for the gift that I've been given in you.
Someday's I can't wait for you to hold your own bottle. I grow aggravated when you insist on being held. I become impatient because I fall victim to the demands of today's world. I don't want to be aggravated that you want me near. I love when you look at me with your sweet little eyes and smile at me. It makes my heart break when you've been crying for me to pick you up and you get excited when I do. I want every moment between us to be precious.
So, I will choose to let you grow at your own pace. I won't rush you. I will choose to slow down and enjoy every moment with you. I promise to hold you anytime you need me to. I will choose to enjoy every precious moment of the blessing I've been given.
I know one day there is the possibility that you may not want to snuggle with me. It's possible you may be aggravated with me or impatient. Maybe I'll be embarrassing to you. I hope and pray not, but understand that it is sometime a natural process of the parent/child relationship. If that's the case, I'll close my eyes and review all the mental photos and videos I've taken of you. If not, then I have all these memories to keep close to my heart.
Click. I love you!
Someday's I can't wait for you to hold your own bottle. I grow aggravated when you insist on being held. I become impatient because I fall victim to the demands of today's world. I don't want to be aggravated that you want me near. I love when you look at me with your sweet little eyes and smile at me. It makes my heart break when you've been crying for me to pick you up and you get excited when I do. I want every moment between us to be precious.
So, I will choose to let you grow at your own pace. I won't rush you. I will choose to slow down and enjoy every moment with you. I promise to hold you anytime you need me to. I will choose to enjoy every precious moment of the blessing I've been given.
I know one day there is the possibility that you may not want to snuggle with me. It's possible you may be aggravated with me or impatient. Maybe I'll be embarrassing to you. I hope and pray not, but understand that it is sometime a natural process of the parent/child relationship. If that's the case, I'll close my eyes and review all the mental photos and videos I've taken of you. If not, then I have all these memories to keep close to my heart.
Click. I love you!
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Book Review #7: Two Books About Color & A Cautionary Tale
Hey everybody! We're back with a few reviews in one video. I am continually amazed at how much my son enjoys listening to me read books to him and how much he enjoys touching and looking at the books. This makes my heart happy! I truly want to instill a love for reading in to him. We hope you enjoy the review.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
It's A Beautiful Day & A Small Rant
Yesterday the phone kept ringing. Jo didn't take a good nap. One of these days I'm going to figure out how to turn the ringer off on each of the cordless phones we have, but sometimes it's a chore finding one of the five. Yes! It's a first world problem.
Anyway, I looked at my phone and it said it was fifty degrees outside. We had another long weekend of sitting in the car and stroller. (I wasn't in the stroller, but you know what I mean) So I bundled my son up and took him to the park. We did do a short stroll in the park, but it was all new to him so there were moments of complete silence followed with wild squeals of glee, followed by what sounds like some singing.

We went over to the playground and tried out the swing for the first time. He was loving it! He smiled and giggled the whole time. It was beautiful! Every time I think my heart can't swell anymore my son smiles at me.
I wanted to get some video of his giggles, but there were two clucking hens in the background so it was ruined. Yes! I'm being a Judgy Judy this morning, but when your kid is screaming "my hands are two colds I need help" as he dangles from the monkey bars and you just sit there clucking along with your pal until I turn around to look at you, then I'm going to judge you a little. I'll probably repent years from now when Joseph is screaming dramatically, as he is prone to do, hanging from the monkey bars and I lay back tired, on the bench and think "at least the ground is the soft cushioned stuff if he falls". For now though, my judgy finger is shaking.
We met up with my sister in law and her kids and took another short little jaunt. I admit it was nice to get out in the fresh air and move around. We had a good laugh at my sister in laws "geocache" find. Unfortunately, the air turned quick and it became pretty cold. So, we went to Panera and had some soup and visited a little longer there.
I'm hungry for some more nice days! I can't wait to get out and help Jo explore this grand world around him. There is a whole new world of discovery out there for him and it's going to be one exciting summer.
Visit and like my Facebook page for more thoughts and ponderings from me.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Book Review #5: On The Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman
Today's book review is sentimental (and a little funny if you watch it). I remember the days when the thought of holding my own baby was just a dream. You know! One of those dreams you hope for, but will always remain just a dream.
The night my son was born was a marvelous and beautiful night. I remember being so exhausted before he was even here and relieved that I no longer had to wait to see him. I remember insisting he stay with me in my room and only allowed the nurses to take him to the nursery once. I didn't want him out of my sight. I was (and honestly still sometimes am) in awe that I made this little guy.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Book Review #4
Hi all! Little man joined us today for our book review. We just recently picked both of these books up. I got them at Costco, but as usual, they can be found on Amazon as well. We bought the books a little cheaper, but if you have Amazon Prime your savings is better if you do not have a Costco nearby.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
My Treasure
Today, I put a 12 month outfit on my almost six month old son. It was just a little big, but oh so very cute! It brought the tears. Everyday I experience something that causes my heart to swell with pride at the same time it clenches with a pang of sorrow. Then another memory is formed. It's hard to believe that six months ago I didn't have him in my life. He is a treasure that just keeps bringing more joy.
I am already overflowing with memories. Each time he smiles at me, when he jumps excitedly in his jumperoo because I've walked in to the room, watching him belly laugh as he plays with his daddy, when he puts his hand on my cheek and then snuggles in close, when he buries his head in my neck and breathes in deep. These are just a few of my favorites, but then again, how do you really choose a favorite memory?
There was one day that I thought these moments would never be. Now every moment is treasured. Don't get me wrong! This boy is a typical baby who sometimes cries, whines and makes me question sanity, but even these moments I try to treasure. I wouldn't have all the other memories if I didn't have him. I also wouldn't have a typical baby then. I have a friend who says "he's perfect" and he is, but in my mind wouldn't be if he wasn't a typical baby.
All of this is prominent in my mind because I realized something today. I remember throughout my pregnancy and after my son was first born I would wake up in the morning and make my first thought to be a thank you to God for gifting me with this wonderful gift. As time has gone by and life has gotten busier, I forget. So today, I take time out of the hectic schedule to say "thank you God for my perfect gift, this beautiful treasure".
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Book Review #3
Here we are again with another book review. We have nearly two and a half shelves filled with books. Some we have bought ourselves and some were given to us at our baby shower. My husband and I want to share our love of books with our son and hope that he will grow to love reading as much as we do.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Bib Review
It's been a busy week. I haven't posted in awhile, but wanted to take a minute to talk about my new love. My son now drools almost non stop. He isn't quite teething yet we think, but he loves to put everything in his mouth.
In all the business, I remembered I had received these bibs from his baby shower. These bibs are great. It is double layered, so not only does it keep his clothes from getting completely soaked, but there is the little teether piece at the bottom. It's also dual sided, so you can turn it around.
It does have one opportunity. It needs to have something inside the material to keep the bib from soaking through to the babies clothing. While it does take longer for it to get wet enough to soak through, it is possible, especially since my son tries to shove the bib in his mouth in the attempt to get to the teether at the bottom.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Thirty One Challenge
Live in the greater Milwaukee area. Message me to find out how you can order and get free shipping.
Michelle O'Brien
Thursday, February 23, 2017
He Knows Before We Do
Yesterday was one of those rough days. My son had been spitting up. It was a very smelly spit up so my guess is a sour tummy since he did not have a fever and he's fine today. It was a church night and typically I go to the church earlier in the day but had stayed home with the little man.
It was finally time to go. I grabbed the diaper bag and baby and left. Everything was going fine until I went to change my sons diaper.
It has been awhile since he has taken aim on me, but he attempted. He failed in getting me, but managed to soak his clothes including his socks. I reached in to the diaper bag and found a onesie and that was it. I cringed. My first thought was "Well, it is unseasonably warm in Wisconsin for February, he'll be fine with just the onesie for church". Then I thought of all the helpful advice I'd receive about making my son sick.
I put my son in his car seat and pulled out the container to mix a bottle up for him. I noticed I had prepped two bottles with water, but had not refilled the container with formula. I only had enough for one bottle. Another parenting fail if my son were to get hungry before we headed home.
I sighed and mixed the bottle. I dropped the baby off with my Pastor's wife and flew off to the nearby Goodwill. I found pants, but could not find socks. I ran over to Pick N Save with a hope and prayer, but that was fruitless.
I headed back to church. I needed to get the baby dressed before church started and anyone noticed my half naked son. I thought, "Well, I have pants. He'll be fine withou socks. It is 63 degrees in February".
When I arrived at the church I raced in and explained my dilemma to my friend and her family as they walked in along with me. I went to retrieve my son from my Pastor's wife. I was standing there explaining to her my fail on getting socks. As I explained, my friends daughter walked up to me holding this cute pair of boots for my son. I nearly wept. Now I could have my son dressed head to toe and avoid the helpful tips from others.
You see it has been one of those weeks where I feel like a parent fail. Not just a feeling, but was even told it. God knew what was going to happen last night. He knew what I would be able to do and where He would need to come in. I'll never forget seeing a smiling young lady holding a pair of boots and the feeling of relief.
I'm thankful I serve a God who knows what I need before I need it.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Hanging Clothes Out On The Clothesline
It has been unseasonably warm the last couple of days here in Wisconsin. This has created a flurry in our house to wash laundry and get them outside to dry on the clothesline.
While hanging clothes out on the line is time consuming (in my opinion), it has so many benefits that far outweigh the any negatives.
- You save money. In the summer, we use our gas appliances so little that every year WE Energies sends us a letter saying they think our meter is broke and charge us an estimated fee. We used to call and demand the estimation be removed from the bill, but once start using the appliances again they issue us a credit. This is helpful in the fall months preceding the holiday season.
- Lots of vitamin D. As I said, in my opinion, it can take some extra time, but you do get to spend that time out in the sun.
- Your laundry smells amazing. I went downstairs early in the morning to grab a bottle for my son. As I walked up the steps I was hit with the wonderful fragrance of outside. I had changed our bed yesterday. The sheets were from the drawer, but the bedspread I had washed and dried outside. Our entire upstairs and stairway had a fresh smell from one bedspread.
- Improved mood. Of course, everything smells fresh and you've spent time outside soaking up that vitamin D.
So, if you haven't done so in the past, I encourage you to, in anyway possible dry your clothes outside when the weather is permitting.
While hanging clothes out on the line is time consuming (in my opinion), it has so many benefits that far outweigh the any negatives.
- You save money. In the summer, we use our gas appliances so little that every year WE Energies sends us a letter saying they think our meter is broke and charge us an estimated fee. We used to call and demand the estimation be removed from the bill, but once start using the appliances again they issue us a credit. This is helpful in the fall months preceding the holiday season.
- Lots of vitamin D. As I said, in my opinion, it can take some extra time, but you do get to spend that time out in the sun.
- Your laundry smells amazing. I went downstairs early in the morning to grab a bottle for my son. As I walked up the steps I was hit with the wonderful fragrance of outside. I had changed our bed yesterday. The sheets were from the drawer, but the bedspread I had washed and dried outside. Our entire upstairs and stairway had a fresh smell from one bedspread.
- Improved mood. Of course, everything smells fresh and you've spent time outside soaking up that vitamin D.
So, if you haven't done so in the past, I encourage you to, in anyway possible dry your clothes outside when the weather is permitting.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Practice What You Preach (and read)
I heard it through the grapevine! Oh lordy! It's sad, but true. As some of you may know I have been reading this book "Keep It Shut" by Karen Ehman. I have been learning a lot from this book. Little by little I have started making changes to things I allow to come out of my mouth. I am perfect by no means, but I am trying.

Today I was given a reminder as to why I am trying to make these changes. I was speaking with a loved one and they mentioned that they were talking to another loved one. Loved one #2 made a comment to loved #1 about me. In short, the comment was something along the lines of I am always to busy, I am neglecting my son because I am to busy and if I didn't want my son I could give him to them. I was (truthfully... still am) hurt by this. Anyone that truly knows me, knows my son is my number one priority.
I want to hurt someone. I want to yell and yes... possibly punch someone in the throat. I want to rage at the world right now. I want to get on my phone and call people to get sympathetic support. I want to text, email or call the offender to confront them. I want to grumble and complain, feel sorry for myself and most of all, I want to cry. However, I won't.
There are some different aspects to this whole situation that I want to mention that I have to consider while sorting out my feelings.
- Loved one #2 has no right to finger point in this particular area.
- Loved one #1 maybe took something said out of context.
- Loved one #2 may be commenting on something that they have only snapshot info on. (most likely the case since they do not live nearby)
- Loved one #1 could have possibly been fueling the flames to lead up to this statement.
- What have I done or said to give loved one #2 this impression?
I have to consider all of these things as I sort through my emotions. Then I have to face the fact that I can't even dwell on the actual answers to the first four statements because I wasn't there to hear the conversation. If I make decisions based off of those facts then I am just I am guilty of making assumptions and I will continue the cycle of negativity. I can only reflect on and control my own actions.
Now some may say that maybe loved one #1 shouldn't have repeated what loved one #2 had said. While this may be true, I am actually thankful they did say something. The reason I am thankful is because it has given me a moment to pause and reflect, pray, then apply and put in to action some tips I've picked up reading my book. Today I have a chance to grow or to decline. I choose to grow.
So, I will disregard the negative comment. Whether it was said or not. Whether it was taken out of context or not. I know I am a good mom. I say that as I type one handed and hold my son with the other arm as he sleeps. I am a mom that learns and grows. I am a mom that makes mistakes and tries to learn from them and most importantly... I am a mom that is trying to learn to "keep it shut".
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Hannah wanted a baby so much. One day she went to the temple and prayed. She prayed a desperate prayer. She was so emotionally involved in this prayer that the priest thought she was drunk. Hannah when confronted with this accusation explained to the priest that she was desperate for a son. The priest blessed Hannah and sent her on her way.
Hannah had her baby boy. She called him Samuel. When Samuel was old enough she took him to the temple and dedicated him back to the service of the Lord.
No, I won't be taking my son up to the church and dropping him off. I have though dedicated him back to the Lord and will train him up to put God first. As Hannah said, "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him". I'm so thankful God has given me the desires of my heart.
Hannah had her baby boy. She called him Samuel. When Samuel was old enough she took him to the temple and dedicated him back to the service of the Lord.
No, I won't be taking my son up to the church and dropping him off. I have though dedicated him back to the Lord and will train him up to put God first. As Hannah said, "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him". I'm so thankful God has given me the desires of my heart.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
A Note From Daddy: Realizing The Change
I felt it today. I hadn't noticed it before, but it was happening. I started to realize the change.
I walk into a store and I look at diapers. I look at baby toys. I look at baby clothes. I had never noticed these items on the store shelves before. There was a change in my life.
I've organized my house to make room for my boy's stuff. Cupboards that were once filled with items we've never used are now filled with his bottles, bowls and food. A shelf in the bathroom was cleared for his bathroom needs and everywhere I look I can see his toys and pacifiers. There's been a change in my home.
Now when I turn on the tv, I no longer watch the news, sports or my favorite sitcoms. I look for educational children shows such as Sesame Street. There's been a change in my lifestyle.
I no longer work long hours to satisfy my own wants. I work for him to give him a warm and safe home and to supply his every need. (I say within reason, but know in the back of my head I will give him whatever he wants) There's been a change in my priorities.
You think you know love. You've always had your mother and father's love. I love my wife, but nothing compares to this new love. It is a whole new feeling, this love for my child. It's a love that can make you smile, but cry. Today I realize the change.
I walk into a store and I look at diapers. I look at baby toys. I look at baby clothes. I had never noticed these items on the store shelves before. There was a change in my life.
I've organized my house to make room for my boy's stuff. Cupboards that were once filled with items we've never used are now filled with his bottles, bowls and food. A shelf in the bathroom was cleared for his bathroom needs and everywhere I look I can see his toys and pacifiers. There's been a change in my home.
Now when I turn on the tv, I no longer watch the news, sports or my favorite sitcoms. I look for educational children shows such as Sesame Street. There's been a change in my lifestyle.
I no longer work long hours to satisfy my own wants. I work for him to give him a warm and safe home and to supply his every need. (I say within reason, but know in the back of my head I will give him whatever he wants) There's been a change in my priorities.
You think you know love. You've always had your mother and father's love. I love my wife, but nothing compares to this new love. It is a whole new feeling, this love for my child. It's a love that can make you smile, but cry. Today I realize the change.
realize the change,
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
I Never Knew
Recently a minister visited our church and said that he was the best parent there was until he had children. I laughed. I laughed hard. It's true!
I never knew how ignorant I was. How many times in my past did I offer unsolicited advice to parents? How many times did I say "when I'm a parent"? How many times did I groan, roll my eyes and not so quietly judge the parents of a screaming child in a store?
I daily learn a lesson regarding this self righteous behavior. A daily lesson brought to me from the one and only.
Daily I learn that things are not always as they seem. Parenting is not black or white.
Lesson #1 - Babies cry! Sometimes my little man cries. He cries! Sometimes there is a reason. It can be because he needs his diaper changed, he's hungry, he needs his medication for reflux, etc. Sometimes he cries for reasons only known to him. These times can be frustrating. It's also exhausting and can cause great alarm and worry. It's humiliating and hurtful when you catch people rolling their eyes, mumbling under their breath or just very openly "acknowledging" your crying baby with helpful advice to you the parent.
Lesson #2 - Things change! Raising a child is different than it used to be. Just because it worked for you in the past (even if it was yesterday) doesn't mean it is right for me and my child today. People want to be helpful, but sometimes it can be downright annoying hearing the "this is how I raised my child". Things change and as a parent I need to listen to advice given to me by experts (aka the doctor) and follow what I feel is best.
Lesson #3 - Just because an expert "suggests" it, doesn't mean it will work or is the best thing for me and my child. This seems to contradict lesson #2 a bit, but believe me, it does not.
I think the hardest thing for me is knowing that I expect that everyone is judging me as harshly as I have judged other parents. Don't get me wrong, I still fail at being nonjudgmental. I still hear myself offering unsolicited advice, rolling my eyes, muttering under my breath and saying things such as "if that were my kid...". Yes, I am a human, but I am getting better. I have started to slow down and try to open myself up to someone else's perspective. I try very hard to see the other side. It's difficult, but necessary.
Of course, I still always want to reevaluate everything. Could something be done differently? Can I change the circumstances? A step closer to feeling less judged because I am judging less.
One day I will make it to perfection, but until then, this little man will continue to help me learn.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Grease Him Up
While at my sons four month check up, I mentioned to the doctor that he tends to have an on again, off again rash. I felt it might just be dry skin and she agreed. My biggest worry was his face because that is the most visible nod I had read that you should not put the Johnson & Johnson lotions (aka baby cologne in our house) on a baby's face. Our doctor said that when her children were young she would just take Aquaphor at night, grease them up and slide them in to their pajamas. I have never used Aquaphor before, so I thought this meant that our doctor would put a whole lot of lotion on. She also suggested Cetaphil and Aveeno for babies for during the day.
So, I stopped by Walgreens on the way home and picked up one of each. That night, I changed Joseph's diaper and before putting on his pajama's opened up the Aquaphor. I laughed! It was thick like Vick's Vaporrub. I put some on my fingers and yes, it had the same consistency. "Well", I thought, "here we go." The "greasing up" part was not that difficult, but keeping any pet hair, lint, etc off of my son before I could put his pajama's on was not easy. Then the really fun part began, putting the pajamas on. I will not lie. This is one very slimy difficult mess. When I picked my son up to put the pj's down underneath him, he almost slid right out of my hands. It was one of those "you had to be there" comical moments. Even Joseph was giggling by the end of the whole procedure. I carry the Cetaphil with me in the diaper bag. It came in a tube that fits very nicely in one of the spots for baby bottles. The Aveeno I use throughout the day here at home whenever Jo's skin starts to look a little dry. It really has helped and his skin feels soft and moist. Daddy is no longer afraid to give him early morning snuggles for fear that his beard will tear up his skin. At this time, we have set aside the Johnson & Johnson lotions. Maybe we will use those this summer. Here are some helpful tips to greasing up your baby in the evening: - Have a wet washcloth nearby to wash your fingertips. It makes it easier to handle their clothing. I have used wipes, but find it easier to use the washcloth in the middle of the process. - Put the pj's down underneath your baby before you start greasing. - Put each body part in the pj's as you finish. (This is where the washcloth comes in handy. You can just wipe the fingers of one hand to grab the piece of clothing you need to lift.
So, I stopped by Walgreens on the way home and picked up one of each. That night, I changed Joseph's diaper and before putting on his pajama's opened up the Aquaphor. I laughed! It was thick like Vick's Vaporrub. I put some on my fingers and yes, it had the same consistency. "Well", I thought, "here we go." The "greasing up" part was not that difficult, but keeping any pet hair, lint, etc off of my son before I could put his pajama's on was not easy. Then the really fun part began, putting the pajamas on. I will not lie. This is one very slimy difficult mess. When I picked my son up to put the pj's down underneath him, he almost slid right out of my hands. It was one of those "you had to be there" comical moments. Even Joseph was giggling by the end of the whole procedure. I carry the Cetaphil with me in the diaper bag. It came in a tube that fits very nicely in one of the spots for baby bottles. The Aveeno I use throughout the day here at home whenever Jo's skin starts to look a little dry. It really has helped and his skin feels soft and moist. Daddy is no longer afraid to give him early morning snuggles for fear that his beard will tear up his skin. At this time, we have set aside the Johnson & Johnson lotions. Maybe we will use those this summer. Here are some helpful tips to greasing up your baby in the evening: - Have a wet washcloth nearby to wash your fingertips. It makes it easier to handle their clothing. I have used wipes, but find it easier to use the washcloth in the middle of the process. - Put the pj's down underneath your baby before you start greasing. - Put each body part in the pj's as you finish. (This is where the washcloth comes in handy. You can just wipe the fingers of one hand to grab the piece of clothing you need to lift.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Living With Cloth Diapers
It was while I was working at a local daycare that I had my first encounter with the new and improved cloth diapers. I was only a few months pregnant and at that point had not considered cloth diapers. These diapers changed everything!
To be honest I hadn't considered cloth diapers because the work of trying to get it folded right, then on evenly, then pinned (without pinning the baby), than that ugly plastic cover over the diapers just made me exhausted thinking about it. The new diapers were different.
These new diapers had snaps and a little pocket to insert a pad to absorb waste. They were fun with different colors and designs. I was intrigued, but not interested enough to really educate myself on them.
Then one day I saw a picture of a friends baby wearing these diapers. I immediately sent her a message (my friend... not the baby) and started asking questions. I'm grateful for the time she spent answering my questions. She even shared with me the best ones for the best value. It is because of the time my friend spent with me that we have been able to save money.
Let me break down my likes, dislikes, what I've learned, what I wish I had really known in advance, etc.
1. We have already saved a ton of money and Joseph is only four months old.
2. We do use disposable diapers when we leave the house. We do it mostly for our own convenience. They do sell nice little lined bags to put soiled diapers in while traveling. These also come in some pretty cutters patterns.
3. It is imperative that you be able to wash at least every other day. I have learned this the hard way. The diapers get clean, but the stink stays. Do not fret if something like this happens. I have successfully rewashed diapers like this after re soaking them in sole detergent and vinegar. Ideally it helps to be able to line dry them outside, but if you live in the north like myself that is sometimes difficult.
4. Alva is the brand I went with. You get your best bang for your buck with them. The upfront cost is hefty, but totally worth the savings in the end. I was registered on, so I actually received some as gifts which also helped us save. They are a really great brand. I've not had any issue with the quality of the product at all and truly they are the most economical. They also have a huge selection of patterns. If you like their Facebook page you have the opportunity to give input on new patterns and products. It's kind of nice.
5. The one thing I really wish I had known was that you have to purchase a separate diaper for newborns. The reason is you need a diaper that will rest under the umbilical cord. They do have these as cloth diapers, but we chose not to invest since the time our son was in that size was so fleeting that we chose to do disposable for that very small period. (Not to mention we were at a disadvantage since we didn't figure this out until after he was born)
6. The work to maintain the diapers is not really that difficult. I gather all the diapers. I pull out the inserts. All inserts and diapers that are only soaked with urine go in to a bucket I have set aside. I pull the inserts out of all the poopy diapers. Those join the other items in the bucket. I than take the dirty diapers and rinse them in the laundry room sink. There are gadgets you can buy that connect to your toilet that allow you to spray the dirty ones immediately, but if your washing them every other day you really do not need it. The diapers spray out fairly easy and I have yet to get sick from doing this. I'm sure my process will change when my sons bowel movements become more firm. Once the diapers have been dried I put an insert in them right away so I'm not struggling with this while in the midst of a diaper change. My son takes too much pleasure in aiming and firing.
7. I did buy a diaper pail for the nursery and a couple of reusable cloth bags. Both items are from Dekko. The diaper pail has a double door system. It truly does keep the smells enclosed inside. It's pretty amazing. Downstairs though we use just a small garbage can with a lid. It does a decent job of keeping the smells at a minimum. If there is a diaper that I know is going to be particularly heavy with stink I make the effort to run it upstairs. It's good exercise anyway.
Overall, my experience has been pretty positive. I am sharing a link for the Alva diapers. Check out their fun patterns.
Do you use cloth diapers for your baby? What has been your experience with them?
To be honest I hadn't considered cloth diapers because the work of trying to get it folded right, then on evenly, then pinned (without pinning the baby), than that ugly plastic cover over the diapers just made me exhausted thinking about it. The new diapers were different.
These new diapers had snaps and a little pocket to insert a pad to absorb waste. They were fun with different colors and designs. I was intrigued, but not interested enough to really educate myself on them.
Then one day I saw a picture of a friends baby wearing these diapers. I immediately sent her a message (my friend... not the baby) and started asking questions. I'm grateful for the time she spent answering my questions. She even shared with me the best ones for the best value. It is because of the time my friend spent with me that we have been able to save money.
Let me break down my likes, dislikes, what I've learned, what I wish I had really known in advance, etc.
1. We have already saved a ton of money and Joseph is only four months old.
2. We do use disposable diapers when we leave the house. We do it mostly for our own convenience. They do sell nice little lined bags to put soiled diapers in while traveling. These also come in some pretty cutters patterns.
3. It is imperative that you be able to wash at least every other day. I have learned this the hard way. The diapers get clean, but the stink stays. Do not fret if something like this happens. I have successfully rewashed diapers like this after re soaking them in sole detergent and vinegar. Ideally it helps to be able to line dry them outside, but if you live in the north like myself that is sometimes difficult.
4. Alva is the brand I went with. You get your best bang for your buck with them. The upfront cost is hefty, but totally worth the savings in the end. I was registered on, so I actually received some as gifts which also helped us save. They are a really great brand. I've not had any issue with the quality of the product at all and truly they are the most economical. They also have a huge selection of patterns. If you like their Facebook page you have the opportunity to give input on new patterns and products. It's kind of nice.
5. The one thing I really wish I had known was that you have to purchase a separate diaper for newborns. The reason is you need a diaper that will rest under the umbilical cord. They do have these as cloth diapers, but we chose not to invest since the time our son was in that size was so fleeting that we chose to do disposable for that very small period. (Not to mention we were at a disadvantage since we didn't figure this out until after he was born)
6. The work to maintain the diapers is not really that difficult. I gather all the diapers. I pull out the inserts. All inserts and diapers that are only soaked with urine go in to a bucket I have set aside. I pull the inserts out of all the poopy diapers. Those join the other items in the bucket. I than take the dirty diapers and rinse them in the laundry room sink. There are gadgets you can buy that connect to your toilet that allow you to spray the dirty ones immediately, but if your washing them every other day you really do not need it. The diapers spray out fairly easy and I have yet to get sick from doing this. I'm sure my process will change when my sons bowel movements become more firm. Once the diapers have been dried I put an insert in them right away so I'm not struggling with this while in the midst of a diaper change. My son takes too much pleasure in aiming and firing.
7. I did buy a diaper pail for the nursery and a couple of reusable cloth bags. Both items are from Dekko. The diaper pail has a double door system. It truly does keep the smells enclosed inside. It's pretty amazing. Downstairs though we use just a small garbage can with a lid. It does a decent job of keeping the smells at a minimum. If there is a diaper that I know is going to be particularly heavy with stink I make the effort to run it upstairs. It's good exercise anyway.
Overall, my experience has been pretty positive. I am sharing a link for the Alva diapers. Check out their fun patterns.
Do you use cloth diapers for your baby? What has been your experience with them?
cloth diaper,
hang dry,
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