Yesterday the phone kept ringing. Jo didn't take a good nap. One of these days I'm going to figure out how to turn the ringer off on each of the cordless phones we have, but sometimes it's a chore finding one of the five. Yes! It's a first world problem.
Anyway, I looked at my phone and it said it was fifty degrees outside. We had another long weekend of sitting in the car and stroller. (I wasn't in the stroller, but you know what I mean) So I bundled my son up and took him to the park. We did do a short stroll in the park, but it was all new to him so there were moments of complete silence followed with wild squeals of glee, followed by what sounds like some singing.

We went over to the playground and tried out the swing for the first time. He was loving it! He smiled and giggled the whole time. It was beautiful! Every time I think my heart can't swell anymore my son smiles at me.
I wanted to get some video of his giggles, but there were two clucking hens in the background so it was ruined. Yes! I'm being a Judgy Judy this morning, but when your kid is screaming "my hands are two colds I need help" as he dangles from the monkey bars and you just sit there clucking along with your pal until I turn around to look at you, then I'm going to judge you a little. I'll probably repent years from now when Joseph is screaming dramatically, as he is prone to do, hanging from the monkey bars and I lay back tired, on the bench and think "at least the ground is the soft cushioned stuff if he falls". For now though, my judgy finger is shaking.
We met up with my sister in law and her kids and took another short little jaunt. I admit it was nice to get out in the fresh air and move around. We had a good laugh at my sister in laws "geocache" find. Unfortunately, the air turned quick and it became pretty cold. So, we went to Panera and had some soup and visited a little longer there.
I'm hungry for some more nice days! I can't wait to get out and help Jo explore this grand world around him. There is a whole new world of discovery out there for him and it's going to be one exciting summer.
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