Thursday, October 30, 2014

Date Night

We received tickets to preview a new movie before it was released. This time it was Nightcrawler. I am a huge fan of the main star Jake Gyllenhaal. Any movie we have seen him in he does well, though I feel he has been typecast in to the more intense serious roles.

The movie seemed to be really long. There were points when I felt I was losing interest, but then it would come back around again. Thinking about it now, it must have been a little longer than usual since the movie started right at seven and we did not get home until about 9:30.

The story line is different than the typical movie we see coming out lately. The end was definitely different and weird, but it fit the rest of the movie. It was interesting to see the main character evolve throughout the movie. I would say the best part in the movie is when the main character is running away from having filmed a crime scene he is yelling at his "employee" about how he needs to focus on improving himself and taking initiative. There were several parts throughout the movie when the main character would talk to his "employee" and I thought this man has been a manager sometime in his life. He really sold his position.

I would not say that I was completely pleased with Renee Russo's part in the movie. I couldn't tell if she was playing the part well or just a bad actress. I almost feel Nichole Kidman would have been a better fit for that role. Bill Paxton I was surprised to see really only had a small part in the movie.

Overall, I was pleased with the movie. Probably not something I would have gone to the theaters to pay to see, but would have definitely rented it at some point. Again, a big thank you to Marcus Theaters for the opportunity to come in, watch a free movie and be given some quality time with my husband.

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